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Product Record

Product Suppliers

Estimated reading: 2 minutes

This secion only applies to simple products and not Custom products.  The product suppliers section lets you add the product information that your supplier provides to you pertaining to the purchase price.  The purpose of adding supplier product information is so you can add the products to purchase orders, which can be emailed to the supplier when you are ready to place an order.   Even if you do not order products with purchase orders, it is a good way to track what you are purchasing. It makes adding inventory easier because you can select the purchase order on the Add Inventory page, and all the items from the purchase order will automatically populate into the add inventory table. 


, Default Supplier

You might purchase the same product from more than one supplier.  An example of this would be a product sold by more than one supplier.   You can set your preferred of default supplier.   Although this field is not used at the moment, it will be applicable in the future when we automatically add items to purchase orders based on low stock.  It will first add products from your preferred suppliers, which is usually based on a lower cost and/or better customer support.  

Add New Product

To add a supplier product, click on “Add New Product” and fill out the form.   Only a few fields are mandatory, but the more information you enter, the better.   For example, adding the UPC# or EAN# will allow you to scan these herbs into inventory or scan them when you are fulfilling the order.  

Supplier Product Fields

*Fields marked with an asterix are mandatory. 

*Supplier Product Name
Brand Name

*Supplier SKU#
*Name of Supplier
*Purchase Price
Shipping Weight

Add Suppliers
If the supplier does not exist in your dispensary, you can click on the button “Add New Supplier” and fill out the form.   Again, not all information is mandatory, but the more information you can enter, the smoother your experience will be.   The only field that is mandatory is ‘Supplier Name’.    You can also add suppliers by going to Admin > Lists > Suppliers

To Learn how to Add Suppliers to your Dispensary, Click Here
To Learn how to Bulk Upload Suppliers, Click Here

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