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Import New Premix Formulas

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Go to Admin > Settings > Data > Import New Data > Premix Formulas

What is a Premixed Formula?

For information about Premix formulas and what they are, please click here

Important to Know

Dispensaries are not pre-loaded with premix formulas, because not all dispensaries use the same formulas. You must upload the premixed formulas you want by filling out a CSV/Excel File.   Not all fields are mandatory in the upload File, so if you have a list of formulas already you can upload them very quickly.  

Add Only One Premix Formula

You can also manually add one premix formula at a time, click here for information on how to add ONE premix formula.  

Steps to Upload Premix Formulas

Go to Settings and then click on “Data” and make sure the “New Data” option is checked

In the dropdown select “Premix Ingredients” 

Download the Sample File and open it in Excel

First choose a name type for the premix formula name, and enter all the premix formulas you want to upload to your dispensary.    If you have more than one name for your premix formula, you can add them to any of the name columns.  

Choose the name you want to be the default name and copy it to the “Default Name Column”.   In most cases you can highlight the entire column and paste it.  

Enter a SKU# for each premix formula in your excel file.   If you do not have a SKU# you can make one up or you can also copy the SKU# provided by your supplier.  

Enter the Formula Status as Published, Pending Review or Draft for every formula in the  Status Column. 

Upload the Saved CSV File to Admin > Settings > Data > Import New Data > Premix Formulas


Mandatory Fields 

Default Formula Name (must exist as one of the name types)

Formula Status   (options are “Publish”, Pending Review, Draft)

Formula SKU#  (anything you want, all must be unique) 

*At Least one Name  (can be english, pinyin, latin etc) 


Optional: Add Premix Ingredients to CSV File

You can upload the ingredients contained in your premix.  The system will not force you to do this, but many dispensaries will want to display the ingredients in the premix formula on labels and infosheets.   The following are instructions on how to add the ingredients to your CSV/Excel File.  

Premixed Ingredients are either linked or not linked.   Linked ingredients means that the ingredient also exists as a single ingredient in your ingredient list.  Ingredients in your premix do not have to also be in your catalog, and these ingredients are unlinked.     Example, you have water and alcohol in your premix, but these are not ingredients in your dispensary.  


For ingredient information in premix formula, we have to fill out columns  V, W, Y, X

Column V is your Ingredients.   You list them all in column V, and separate each ingredient by a | 
Example:   Dang Gui | Fu Ling | Gan Cao 
You do not need a | on the end.  
If you want the ingredient to link, it needs to be spelled exactly how it appears in your ingredient record.   capital letters do not matter.  


Column W is the Ingredient Name Type.    You can find the ingredient name type by going to Settings > Ingredients, and viewing the table of Ingredient Types.    In the above example, it would appear as 

granule | granule | granule        

Each ingredient in your list needs a name type, but if one of the ingredients is not in your catalog, then you would just put the | sign twice and leave the ingredient name type blank.   So lets pretend 2 of the ingredients above were in your catalog and one wasn’t, it would look like this.  

Granule| Granule||


Column X is the amount.   Amounts are not mandatory.   For each ingredient  you will list the amount.   

10 | 5 | 6

If one of the ingredients does not have an amount, you will put the | twice.  

10 | 5 || 


Column Y is the measurement type.    You use the abbreviation of the measurement type.   

Example, g for grams, and ml for mililitre, and oz for ounce.   

Each ingredient needs a measurement type, and if there is no measurement type for an ingredient you can add the | twice.  

g|g|g  or g|g||




List of All Fields in Premix Formula Upload File

All Fields

Default Formula Name
Herb Type
Formula Status
Formula SKU#
Default Formula Category
English Name
Other English Name
Latin Name
Other Latin Name
Pinyin Name
Other Pinyin Name
Chinese Name
Other Chinese Name
Korean Name
Other Korean Name
Japanese Name
Other Japanese Name
Sanskrit Name
Other Sanskrit Name
Ingredients Herb Type
Ingredients Amount
Ingredients Unit
TCM Channels
Default Dosages Instructions
Cautions and Contraindications
Associated Allopathic Conditions
Associated Allopathic Conditions Sources
Symptoms Sources
Possible Drug Interactions
Possible Drug Interactions Sources
Part of Plant
Process Type
Contains Aristolochic Acid
Contains Gluten
External Use
Ratio Left
Ratio Right
Glycerin Percentage
Alcohol Percentage
Caution with Pregnancy
Alcohol Type
Contains Corn
Contains Egg
Contains Animal Products
Contains Wheat
Contains Fish
Contains Soy
Contains Artificial Sweetners
Contains Peanuts
Contains Milk
Contains Shellfish
Contains Treenuts
Contains Cholesterol
Contains Mustard
Contains Sesame
Contains Nuts
Made in a Peanut free facility
Contains Sulphites
Granule Filler Properties
Show out of stock to Users
Users can purchase when out of stock
Re-Order Level
Default Supplier Id
Formula Notes

Chinese Medicine Premix Formulas

If you want to access a list of Chinese Medicine Premix Formulas – Click Here

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