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Update Existing Data

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You can update existing data in your dispensary in bulk using a CSV/Excel Sheet

You can update existing data in your dispensary by first exporting the data into a CSV file, making changes to the file, and then importing it again.

You must select the option “Update Existing Data” so the system recognizes that this is existing data and not NEW data. 

You can import to update existing data for the following types of data:


Why Do I need this?

There are many reasons why you may want to update information in your dispensary.   

Lets say you want to update the price you want to charge for a single ingredient.  If you have 200 single ingredients, and you need to update the prices for all 200 ingredients, it would take a long time to go through each ingredient and manually update the selling price.   Instead you can export your current prices into a CSV file, change the selling price easily for all ingredients, and then upload the changes to your dispensary.  It will save you many hours of tedious work. 

Another routine data update is for inventory values.   Most dispensaries do an inventory recount once or twice a year.  If you have to manually update each one it will take a long time.   Instead you can export your current inventory amounts for each item, update it to the correct value and reupload it.  

How do I update Existing data?

Step 1  
go to Settings > Data > Export. Your first step involves exporting a copy of your current data.   It is a good idea to download it twice so you have a backup.  

Step 2
Make changes to your CSV exported file and save it.  

Step 3
Upload your modified CSV file.  Any change you make in the file will be updated in your dispensary.  

What Existing Data can I update?

You can update the following types of data in your dispensary. 

Simple Products
Custom Products
Products with Variants
Premix Formulas
Herb/Premix Pricing
Simple Product Prices
Custom Product Prices
Supplier Products

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