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Payment Processing

The Dispensary Tree platform streamlines the payment process by directly connecting with payment processors, allowing patients and clients to easily pay for their orders online. With mobile payment options, notification systems, and integration with major payment processors, the platform ensures a seamless and secure transaction experience​​​​​​.

Efficient and Secure Online Transactions for Your Herbal Dispensary

credit card processing

Diverse Payment Options

Supports mobile payments, allowing practitioners to pay online with a new or saved credit card and sends notifications for payment recieved. Practitioners can choose to have their patients pay, sending them a notification to pay by web, mobile or via the patient portal.

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Integration with Major Processors

Seamlessly integrates with Square, Authorize.net, Moneris, and Mollie for a wide range of transaction possibilities​​​​​​​​.


use Authorize.net to facilitate online Credit Card Transactions.

Advantages of Online Payments

Who can this feature help

Trusted by 1,000+ dispensary customers

Get Quick Answers to Your Concerns

Can I save and reuse the custom formulas I create?

Absolutely! Our formula builders allow you to create, save, edit, and even copy your custom formulations for future use, streamlining the process and saving time​​.

Along with each custom formula, you can provide detailed preparation instructions printed onto the infosheet. This helps to clearly explain to the patient how to prepare and consume the herbal medicine​​.

Yes, our formula builders let you modify standard dosage instructions, or you can write your own specific instructions for each formula, ensuring precise and personalized guidance for patients​​.

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