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Import New Custom Products

Estimated reading: 3 minutes

Go to Admin > Settings > Data > Import New Data > Herb Products

A herb products is a custom product you create which contains single herbs and premix formulas. These instructions tell you how to upload many herb products at once, or you can add a herb product manually.


1. Download the Sample File and Open it Up

2. Fill out the file with the mandatory fields

3. Save and Upload the file to add the custom products to your dispensary

Mandatory Fields

Please see description below.

Selling price
Herb Type
Name type
Herbs Quantity
Price Type
Weight Qty
Weight Price

All Fields

alphanumeric string of characters to identify the product. REQUIRED

Name of Product.

Status of Product. Only Possible value is “Publish”,”Published”,”Pending Review”,”Draft”. REQUIRED

This is the shipping weight, which is used to calculate shipping prices. NOT mandatory

Brand of the Product

Supplier of the Product

Description of product

This is the category of thep product. If you want to add More than 1 category for single product then separate each category name with “|”. for example “Abc Cat | xyz Cat” . NOT Mandatory, but a practitioner will only be able to locate it without searching for it if it has a category. If the category hasn’t been created, it will automatically be created for you.

Selling price
Price of 1 Unit of the Product. This field will be deleted and is redundant, and doesn’t really apply. For now you must enter a value here, but it will not be used. REQUIRED

Image url
A url which is points to an image of the herb. The system will find that image and load it into your dispensary. Not Mandatory

Herb Type
The only possible values are ‘Raw’, ‘Granules’, ‘Tinctures’ and ‘Concentrates’. This is case-sensitive. If you are enter “granule’ without the ‘s’ it will not work. REQUIRED

Name type
The only possible values are ‘Pin name’,’Latin name’,’Chinese name’,’English name’. This is case-sensitive. You cannot enter “pinyin” you must enter “Pin Name”. REQUIRED

Enter the herb or premix name. Even though the category is called “herb’ you can still add a premix formula name. This is case sensitive. If the herb in your dispensary is written as ‘gan cao’, then you must enter it exactly as it appears in your dispensary. You must use the herb name which corresponds to the name type you entered. You cannot enter ‘licorice’ if your name type is pinyin, you must use gan cao. To add more than one herb please use this symbol “|”. Herb1|Herb2|Herb3. REQUIRED

Herbs Quantity
Quantity of the herb or premix. To add quantity for more than one herb please use this symbol “|”. Qty1|Qty2|Qty3 or 9|10|8. REQUIRED

Price Type
Enter ‘Fixed’ or ‘Variable’. REQUIRED. Variable pricing uses the price per gram from your herb or premix data file.

Weight Qty
If Fixed Pricing, enter the weight or volume you want to sell the product. Example, you may have a product that you want to sell at 100ml and 250ml. Enter it as 100|250. The system will automatically take your formula and change the values ordered based on its ratio or percentage of the formula if someone orders more or less. Example: If you have 2 herbs both at qty of 50, and someone orders 250ml, it will dispense 125ml or each herb. IF FIXED PRICING REQUIRED

Weight Price
If using Fixed Price, enter the price of each weight you entered under the column ‘weight qty’ example 35|55 . This means for 100ml you will charge $35.00 and for 250ml you will charge $55. IF FIXED PRICING, REQUIRED

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