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Practitioner Profile

Label Settings

Estimated reading: 2 minutes

Go to Admin > Practitioners > View Practitioner Profile > Settings > Labels

Each practitioner can choose their own label options based on the setup/options of the dispensary labels. The dispensary admin can control the practitioner label options, and the practitoner can also control their label options.

For each formula builder, the practitioner can choose between various settings.

Contact Information

Allow the practitioner to specify how they want their Name, Email, Phone and Website to appear on the label. This can differ to the information they have used in the practitioner profile.

Multiple Labels

If multiple labels have been created for a formula builder, the practitioner can choose which label they want to use. This is handy if there are labels in multiple languages or if the practitioner prefers one style over another.

Ingredient Name Types

Based on the label design setting, the dispensary admin can permit practitioners to choose which name types they want to appear on the label. Some labels can print more than one herb type.

No Herbs Printed

Based on the label design settings, the dispensary admin can permit practitioners to choose a label containing no Herbs printed. A specific label must be created containing no herbs.

Herb Quantity

Based on the label design settings, the dispensary admin can permit the quantity of the formula ingredients to be hidden on the label, and will only display the ingredient names.

Specific Labels for a Patient

If you want a specific label to be used for a specific patient, you can set the label settings for the patient in the Patient Profile in Admin or in the Patient Profile in the Practitioner account.

Preview Label

You can preview the label under the action column

Download Label

You can download a sample label under the action column.

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