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Practitioner Profile

Formula Settings

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Go to Admin > Practitioner > Find Practitioner > View Profile > Settings > Formula

You can control a practitioners formula settings by opening up their profile, and going to their formula settings tab. There are general formula settings which apply to all formula builders , and settings which pertain to each specific formula builder. 

Settings for All Formula Builders

Default Formula Name
The name of the formula will default to either blank, today’s date, or custom text to be used every time.

Default Number of Rows
This will specify the number of blank herb rows that will be shown when a formula is created.

Tabbing Options
The tabbing options control where the active cursor will go when adding formula ingredients to a formula. The options are for the tab to force the cursor to move to the next herb, or instead move to the dosage box.

Option 1 – Add All Herbs, Then All Dosage Amounts

Option 2 – Add One Herb, then Move to Add a Dosage Amount, then move to the next herb.

Settings for Formula Builders (Granules / Tinctures / Concentrates only)

Dosage Mode
Turn the dosage mode on or off.

Default Dosage Mode

Select the default dosage mode, which will be used automatically when creating a new formula for the specific herb type.

Automatically Set Weight

For the total quantity percentage dosing mode, it will force the final weight or volume of the formula to match the total weight/volume required based on the dosage selected. example, Take 6g, 2x a day for 7 days = 84g. If user changes the value to 10g, 2x a day for 7 days = 140g. The set weight box will automatically change for the user.

Default Dosage Instructions

Set default dosage instructions which will always be added to the formula.

Column Selection

Set which columns of information show to the practitioner when they are adding ingredients to a formula. Example, some practitioners only build their formulas using the latin name of the herb, so the pinyin, chinese and english columns can be turned off.

Settings for Formula Builders (Raw/Bulk)

Dosage Mode

Turn the dosage mode on or off. The choices are Per Day and Per Bag

Default Dosage Mode
Select the default dosage mode, which will be used automatically when creating a new formula for the specific herb type.

Default Number of Days
Set the default number of days for a raw/bulk formula

Default Number of Bags
Set the default number of bags for a raw/bulk formula

Default Dosage Instructions
Set default dosage instructions which will always be added to the formula.

Column Selection
Set which columns of information show to the practitioner when they are adding ingredients to a formula. Example, some practitioners only build their formulas using the latin name of the herb, so the pinyin, chinese and english columns can be turned off.

Raw Cooking Templates
Each practitioner can create their own cooking/decoction templates to be used with raw formulas. These are in addition to templates created by the admin for all practitioners.

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