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Managing Orders

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The Orders area allows you to view, edit and process orders.   

The following are functions you may perform in the Orders area  

  1.  View Order(s) 
  2. Fulfill Formula/Product
  3. Print Label
  4. Print Infosheet
  5. Create a Shipping Label
  6. Edit/Modify a Formula
  7. Delete an item from Order
  8. Modify Markup
  9.  Chang Order Status
  10. View & Download Invoice
  11. Change who is paying for an Order
  12. Add an Order Note
  13. Change Shipping Options
  14. Edit a shipping Address
  15. Edit who is going to pick up the Order
  16. Edit the Order Weight and Box Size
  17. Email or Text (SMS) a user
  18. Add or Remove a Discount
  19. View Shipping Tracking Information
  20. Re-Order an item
  21. Edit or Add a Refill
  22. Order a Refill

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