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Email Notifications

Email List

Estimated reading: 4 minutes

The following is a list of Emails and their description.

Admin Emails

Admin Emails are only sent to the owner of the account.

New Registration
When a practitioner registers for a new account this email is sent to the admin.

Contact Us
When a practitioner or patient fills out the contact, this email is sent to the admin.

New Order Received
When an order is submitted, this email is sent to the admin.

Password Update
If a staff member or admin changes their password, this email is sent to them notifying that their password was updated.

New Patient Registration
If a new patient registers for a patient account, this email is sent to the admin.

Practitioner Emails

Email to Collect Balance
If a patient or practitioner has a balance owing on their account, this email is sent to the person who needs to pay the balance.

Balance Successfully Paid
If the balance owing on the account is paid, this email is sent to the paying party.

Infosheet Download
If an infosheet is sent to the patient or practitioner, this email will be sent.

Invoice Download
If an invoice is sent to the paying party this email will be sent.

Shipping Label Generated
If a shipping label is created within our platform, this email will be sent to the recipient of the package.

Tracking of Package
If the admin manually enters a tracking link, this email is sent to the recipient of the package.

Inventory Value Report
If an inventory report is requested, this email is sent to the admin when the report is ready to be viewed.

Patient Email Templates

Send Link to Patient
If the pracititioner wants their patient to pay, this email is sent to the patient.

Login/Forgot Password
If the admin updates a patient login details, this email is sent to the patient.

Patient Verification
If a patient tries to verify their account, this email is sent to the patients email address to complete the registration process.

Refill Reminder Email
If the admin clicks on the action to send a refill reminder to the patient, this email will be sent to the patient.

Order Success Payment
If the patient pays for an order, this email is sent as confirmation of the payment.

Password Reset Email
If a patient resets their password, this email is sent to the patient.

New Patient Registration
If a patient successfully verifies their account, this email is sent to the patient.

Patient Multiple Account
When a patient is verifying their account details, they may enter an email which is associated with more than one patient profile.  Example, a family of patients sharing the same email address.  This email is sent to complete the verification process.

Order Status Update – Ready for Pickup
If the status of the order is changed to ‘ready for pickup’ and the patient is the one picking it up, this email will be sent to the patient.

Forgot Username
If a patient forgets their username and needs to reset it, this email is sent to the patient.

Practitioner Email Templates

Depending on the order and who is paying and receiving it, some practitioner emails may be sent to the patient.  Please keep this in mind.

Forgot Password
If a practitioner resets their password, this email is sent to the practitioner

New Account Created
If the admin approves a practitioner account, this email is sent to the practitioner

Password Change
If a practitioner resets their password, this email is sent to the practitioner

Order Status Update Shipping
If the order status is updated to shipped, this email is sent to the recipient of the package.  (patient or practitioner)

Order Shipping Details
If the shipping details change, example you change the address or you change the type of shipping, this email is sent to the recipient (patient or practitioner)

Order Status Update Confirmed
If the order status is changed to confirmed (manually) this email is sent to the practitioner

Order Status Update Cancelled
If the order status is changed to cancelled, this email is sent to the paying party

Order Status Update Payment Received
If the order status is changed to payment received (manually) this email is sent to the paying party

Order Status Update Completed
If the order status is changed to completed (manually) this email is sent to the paying party

New Registration Success
If the admin manually creates the practitioner account from within the admin website, this email is sent to the practitioner.

Pay by Patient
If a patient pays for their order, this email is sent to the practitioner.

New Patient Registration
If a patient verifies their patient account through the invitation email, the practitioner is sent this email.

Order Status Update – Ready for Pickup
If the practitioner is picking up the order and the status changes to ‘ready for pickup’ the practitioner is sent this email.

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