Infsoheet Designer
Go to Admin > Settings > Design > Infosheet
What is an Info-Sheet?
An infosheet is a printout with detailed information about a formula or product that is given to a patient. You can completely modify the infosheet to show specific data and this tutorial will show you how its done.
Our new infosheet creator lets you now build infosheets specifically for products, which we did not have previously! This is a major upgrade!
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Type of Infosheets
There are different types of infosheets for items in your dispensary.
Custom Formulas
Each formula herb type requires its own infosheet, because a raw/bulk infosheet will be different than a granule infosheet. You can create one infosheet for All granule formulas for example, and you can also create a specific infosheet for each dosage mode.
Infosheets for Products
A new feature we are offering now is providing an infosheet for products prescribed to patients. You can create an infosheet Per Product, Per Product Category or for ALL Products.
Multiple Infosheets
You can create more than one infosheet and offer different styles/layouts of infosheets and also infosheets in different languages. There will always be one default infosheet, and practitioners can choose which infosheet they want to use if you provide more than one infosheet to the practitioners.
View Infosheets
You can view all the infosheets you have created for each herb type and Products by going to Admin > Settings > Design > New Infosheets
Here you can see the Name of the Infosheet, The Formula Type (dosage mode), the size of the infosheet, mark it as a default and select the status. You can only have one infosheet marked as the default, unless you have a different infosheet for each dosage mode. In this case, each dosage mode can have one default.
Status Types:
Draft – Not available to use
Show to Practitioner – Will appear in the practitioner account
Private – Dispenary Admin can use it, but practitioners will not be able to see it in their account.
Actions Available are Edit and Copy. You can only copy an infosheet within the same herb type due to differing fields from one herb type to another.
How to Create an Infosheet

Go to Admin > Settings > Design > New Infosheets
If you are a dispensary setup prior to August 2021, you may be using the old system and need to switch over to the new infosheets. Go to the Settings tab and switch to the “New System” and press save. You can always switch back and forth.
Start from Scratch
You can start with a blank page and build your infosheet from scratch
Start with a template
You can start with one of the templates we have created and modify it to suit your needs
For these instructions we are going to start from scratch but using a template will be a lot easier to get you up and running quickly!
About Containers

Your infosheet segments data into containers or sections. Containers can be moved around, re-sized and styled, which we will get into. You can place data into specific containers and then style that data. Containers for the main sections are automatically created for you when you add a field to the infosheet, but you can still move fields to any container. We have also provided you several empty containers which you can place fields into and create your own sections/containers on the infosheet.
The main container sections include:
Formula Ingredients
Empty or Additional Containers
About Fields
Fields are titles and data that are placed inside containers. An example of a field title is “Patient First Name” or “Practitioner Email”. Generally all fields contain the “Title” and also the “Data” associated with the field name. The data is populated into the final infosheet once you create a formula.
Example. “Practitioner Name” is the Title and the actual practitioners name is the “Data”. You are not forced to use both the field title and data. You may only want to display the actual data and not the title.
Title + Data : “Practitioner Name: Rachel Yang”
Data Only: “Rachel Yang”
We have also provided you empty fields, which you can add text based information to your infosheet.

Images are very important to make your infosheet look professional. Images can be added to any container and you can even put multiple images in each container. You can resize your image and adding padding around your image. In saying that, you may only want 1 – 3 images on your infosheet or none at all, its up to you!

Step 1 – Create
Click on the tab of the formula type you want to build. For this example we are going to use “Granules”.
Click on the button in the top right hand corner above the infosheet list called “Add New”
You will be given a choice to either start from a blank template or a premade template. For this tutorial we are going to start with a blank template so we can demonstrate how it works.

Step 2 – General Settings
Enter the following information
1. Template Name – Enter a name for the infosheet, which will appear in the Practitioner account.
2. Description – Enter a description for the infosheet
3. Choose a Background Style – You can choose to have a solid color background or insert a background image. If its a background image, the image can be fit to the page (exact size), tiled on the page (repeated), or stretched to cover the page. We recommend having a white background to make it easier to read the infosheet and also to not waste ink when printing, but its up to you!
4. Select the dosage mode – Your options are ALL or a specific dosage mode which pertains to the herb type you are building the formula for.
5. Set the margins The margin will be blank space that will not have any data. Its the border of your infosheet.
Press SAVE

Adding Fields to Containers
For this tutorial, we are going to add almost ALL the fields to the infosheet, except for the formula ingredients columns. We can’t add ALL the columns to the formula ingredient table, there just is not enough room! But we will make sure you get the point.

Step 3 – Create the Header
The header will only appear on the first page of your infosheet. If the data on the infosheet is long and requires more than one page, the header will not appear on the second or subsequent pages.
1. Click on the Header tab
Container Width – This is how wide the container will span the page within your page margins. The header is automatically set to 100%, so it will go across the entire page. you can change the width of your header. You can have a header that is 75% width, and put another container beside it that is 25% width.
Container Border Color and thickness– Every container has a border. By default the border does not show, but you can change the border color and thickness. If you change the border thickness from 0 to 1, you will see immediately a thin border. The higher the number, the thicker the border.
Container Margins – Sometimes you need to create margins within the container. You may want additional blank space on the top, bottom, right or left of the item in the container.
Header Title – You can turn the header title ON or OFF. The header title is text you can enter and place within the header container.
Styling options –
Font – You can change the type of font. We are connected to google fonts, start typing any font you want and it will change on your infosheet.
Font Size – Change the size of the font text
Justify – Change the justification of the text to Centered, Right or Left
Font Color – Change the color of the font text
Underline – Underline the text
Bold – Make the text bold
Padding – Create space around the text, top, bottom, right & left. Not all fields have padding ability.
Header Example
we have kept the header at 100% width, and added a title “Granule Infosheet” and increased the font to 25, made it Bold and Underlined it. We added an image of our logo, centered it, and decreased the height of our image. We do not have any padding around our image.

Step 4 – Add Dispensary Information
The first container I will add is my business information. The data for dispensary information comes from your account information. Go to admin > settings > account to edit your profile information
The field is set to 50% width, meaning this container would take up 50% of the width of the page, but I want it to only take up 33% or 1/3 of the page. I have added a top margin of 15 pixels so there is space between the container and the header image. I have changed the font size from 13 to 11 for all these fields except for the title which i made at font size 15 and bolded it.
I will turn on all of these fields, except the dispenary graphic.
Dispensary Title/Data Fields
Title of Dispensary
Dispensary Name
Dispensary Phone Number
Dispensary Website
Dispensary Email
Dispensary Street Address
Dispensary Street Address (con’t)
Dispensary Town/City
Dispensary Province/State
Dispensary Zip/Postal Code
Dispensary Country
Dispenary Graphic
The Result….

Step 4 – Add Patient Information
I want to include the patient information on the infosheet.
1. Click on Patient Tab and turn the patient fields you want to display on the infosheet.
2. If you turn on a field and the patient’s profile does not contain this field when the infosheet is generated for the product or formula, it will simply be ommitted. Example, you turn patient email on, but the patient doesn’t have an email. Both the field and title will not show on the infosheet.
3. For this infosheet, i changed all the font sizes to 11, except for the title, which i made 15 and bolded.
4. I added a top margin of 15, so there is space between the header and this container
Patient Title/Data Fields
Title of Patient Container
Patient Name
Patient Phone Number
Patient Email
Patient Street Address
Patient Street Address (con’t)
Patient Town/City
Patient Province/State
Patient Zip/Postal Code
Patient Country
Patient Graphic
Step 5 – Add Formula Information
Formula information contains details about the formula AND the order. You don’t need to include all formula details onto your infosheet, but its a good idea to do that. Depending on the herb type there are various fields. We suggest making the width of this container 100%, as some fields have a lot of data such as preparation instructions, dosage instructions. Listed to your right are the fields assosicated with “Formula”.
Please note fulfillment date won’t show on the infosheet until the order has been fulfilled, as the dispensary system won’t have a date until fulfillment is completed.
If the item is being picked up there will be no data for shipping carrier, and it won’t show on your infosheet for that particular order.
Formula Information Fields
Formula Information Title
Formula Name
Formula Type
Dosage Mode
Preparation Instructions
Special Instructions
Dosage Instructions
Create Date
Fulfillment Date
Shipping Carrier
Delivery Method
Delivered To
Invoice Number
Total Refills Allowed
Refill Frequency
Refill Expiry Date
Refills Remaining
Total Formula Weight

Step 6 – Formula Ingredients
Formula ingredients appear in a table on your infosheet. You can’t realistically add all fields to the table, it just won’t fit properly! You can pick and choose which fields are shown, the width of the column, the order the of columns, and you can style the table, the column titles etc.
To change the position of the columns, just use drag and drop. Click on the column title and move it to where you want it to be. It may take you a few tries to get everything where you want it to be.
Order of Herbs
You can choose the order the herbs are displayed; as the user entered them, alphabetically be a particular herb name type, by SKU# (alphanumerically), Qty of herb highest to lowest and lowest to highest.
Styling Options
Title Row Background Color – Change the background color of the title row (1st row)
Border Styling – Outer border of the table color and thickness
Inner Border – Inner border of the table color and thickness
Formula Table Options
Formula Table Title Text
Herb Type
Latin Name
Chinese Name
English Name
Pin Yin Name
Korean Name
Japanese Name
Sanskrit Name
Total Qty/Qty Received
Herbs as a Percentage
Base Price
Order of Herbs
Title Row Bg Color
Outer Border
Border Color
Border Thickness
Inner Border
Inner Border Color
Inner Border Thickness
Table Graphic
*There may be a few other options depending on the herb type.

Step 7 – Footer
You can control the information that will appear on the footer. Please note the footer won’t be located at the bottom of the page, but instead will be at the end of the infosheet wherever that lands. Due to the varying length of each infosheet based on the formulation, your actual infosheet may be 1 or several pages long.
Footer Options
Footer Text Content
Dispensary (site) name
Phone Number
Footer Graphic/Image
Step -8 Adding Empty Containers
You may want to make your own section on your infosheet. You can add a blank container, and move any field into your empty container. An example would be you want to put refill information into its own container, or you want to add a text based field into a container.
Step 9 – Extra Fields
You can create your own fields and place them into containers. All of the extra fields are text based fields, and all contain a graphic/image.
Turn them to ON, and enter the text you want to show.
There are different types of extra fields, such as 1 column, 2 column, 3 column, 4 column.
You can style the text fields.
Extra Fields
There are different types of extra fields;
1 Column Field
2 Column Field
3 Column Field
4 Column Field
Step 10 – Re-arranging Containers and Fields
You can re-arrange the containers and fields on the page and move them around. To do this, you need to click on the “arrange” button at the top of the infosheet preview.
Using drag and drop both fields and containers to anywhere on the page.
Please remember that each container has a width. If you want containers to be next to each other, they must fit properly.
If you have three different containers, all at 33% width, they can all fit on one row. If you have 4 containers at 25% width, they can all fit on the same row.
If you have one container at 100% width, you cannot put another container beside it, because the first container is using up the entire width.
Patient Title/Data Fields
Title of Patient Container
Patient Name
Patient Phone Number
Patient Email
Patient Street Address
Patient Street Address (con’t)
Patient Town/City
Patient Province/State
Patient Zip/Postal Code
Patient Country
Patient Graphic
Need More Help?
If you require any assistance, please contact us.