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Product Record

Product Infosheets

Estimated reading: 2 minutes

A product infosheet is a information page that measures 8.5 x 11 inches (legal size paper) that you can print out that when preparing the order.  Itprovides information about the product .   Infosheets are not mandatory.    If enabled, practitioners can write their own custom dosage and preparation instructions for a product, which can be printed on the infosheet.    

You can create an infosheet for products and apply the infosheet to the product, so when you are preparing the order, you can print the infosheet you have selected.  

Apply Infosheet

Select the infosheet you want to map to the product.   You can use an existing infosheet or create a new one.  By clicking on the “Add New” button, it will redirect you to the infosheet designer where you can create a new infosheet.   If you create a new infosheet, make sure you refresh this page so it will appear in the list.  


Custom Dosage Instructions

This setting lets you specify if a practitioner is able to write their own dosage instructions for a product.   If turned off, the function to enter custom dosage instructions will be hidden. 
You may not want a practitioner to write their own dosage instructions because you will need a way to communicate this to the end user of the product.   Again, you can use the infosheet to print out a handout with the custom dosage instructions, or we have also provided a copy function next to the custom dosage instructions once the order has been placed in the order view.


Default Dosage Instructions

You can specify default dosage instructions that will be printed on the infosheet unless the practitioner has written custom dosage instructions.    Make sure you press save at the bottom of the page.  


Default Preparation Instructions 

You can specify default preparation instructions that will be printed on the infosheet.   There are no custom preparation instructions for practitioners, but there is nothing stopping the user from entering any preparation instructions in the custom dosage section.   Make sure you press save at the bottom of the page to save you default preparation instructions for the product.  


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