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Product Record

Estimated reading: 1 minute

The product records holds all the information about the product.   It is separated into various section. 

1.    General Details

2.    Product Ingredients

3.    Product Prices / Variant Prices

4.    Product Suppliers

5.    Product Stock Levels

6.    Product Infosheets

7.    Product Images

8.    Product Documents 

9.    Product Notes

10.  Product Settings

To access the product record, click on “Products” from the left navigation in Admin, and edit any product in the list.  

For Instructions on how to Add Products, Click Here.  

For a list of all available Product Fields, Click Here

For a list of all available Product Attributes, Click Here

To Reorder and turn on or off Product Fields, Click Here

To Reorder and turn on or off Product Attributes, Click Here

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