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Discount Codes

Estimated reading: 2 minutes

Go to Admin > Discounts > Discount Codes Tab > Create New

A discount code is used during the checkout process to apply a discount to a product or custom formula

Discount Help Video

View Discount Codes

You can view your discount codes by going to Admin > Discounts

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Instructions to Create a Discount Code

Select “Add New” and fill out the following information

Discount Code

Enter the exact discount code ( case sensitive) you want to create for the promotion

Expiry Date

Enter when the discount will expire

Discount Type

Choose between Flat and Percentage


Enter the value. Do not enter a % sign. 10 will equal 10% or $10 depending on the discount type selected above.

Applies To

Select Products or Custom Formulas

if Custom Formulas; Choose Which Type of Custom Formula

If Product Choose Which Products, you can add more than one.

If Product Category Choose Which Categories

Maximum Uses Per Customer

Enter a value for the maximum number of times the promo code can be used by a customer

Minimum Order Amount

Enter the dollar value without a $ sign for the minimum order amount before taxes, markup and shipping to qualify for this discount code

Text Shown to User

Enter text you want shown to the user after they input the discount code. You may leave blank. Optional. 

Book a Demo

Fill out the form below, and we will send you the demo.