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Patient Profile

Estimated reading: 1 minute

Go to Admin > Patients > View Patient Profile > Profile Information

The patient profile contains all the basic information about the patient including their name, phone number, practitioner and password reset.  

patient profile 2cbec3d52428The patient profile lists basic patient information including.

Patient Username ( only if patient account is ON)
First Name
Last name
Phone Number
Email Address
Their Practitioner
Patient Note

Change Patient Password

If patient account is ON, you can change the patient’s password. Enter a new password into the field and press save. 


When a patient verifies their account, the verification checkmark will be ON. The dispensary admin can manually verify an account by selecting the verify box and entering a username and password for the patient. If the patient verifies the account themselves, it will record the patients IP Address and also provide a date and time the verification took place.

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