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Patient Order History

Estimated reading: 2 minutes

Go to Admin > Patients > Open Patient Profile >  Order History

The patient order history shows you the Orders, Formulas and Products associated with the patient that have actually been ordered. 

Patient Formula Summary

Patient Product Summary

Patient Order Summary

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Order Summary Fields

Order #
The invoice number for the order

Order Date
The date the order was submitted (not paid)

Ordered by – Either Practitioner or Patient. A patient would order refills from the patient account.

Paid By
Who paid for the order

Order Status
The status of the order

Order Price
The final price of the Order  If you need to see more detailed pricing, you need to view the order. 

Action Options

  1. Re-Order – Will place the order into the cart. If there are multiple items in the order, it will allow you to choose which items you want to re-order.
  2. Infosheet – View, Download, or Email the infosheet to the Patient or Practitioner
  3. Invoice – View, Download or Email the invoice to the paying party
  4. Patient Formula History

Patient Formula Summary

The formula summary will show you details about which formulas were prescribed to the patient.  

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Order History Fields

Formula Name
The name of the formula

Herb Type

The herb type of the formula

Order #
The order number associated with the formula. Click on the order number to view the order details.

Order Date
The date the formula was ordered

Ordered by
Who initiated the order; practitioner or patient

The price of the formula, not including taxes or shipping

Action Options

  1. Edit – This will not edit the formula within the actual order, but allow you to edit the formula and use the formula to create a new order
  2. View – allows you to view the formula which was ordered
  3. Re-Order – This will add the formula directly to the cart

Patient Product Summary 

The product summary will show you details about which products were prescribed to the patient.  

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Product Name
The name of the product

Order #
The order number associated with the formula. Click on the order number to view the order details.

Order Date
The date the formula was ordered

Ordered by
Who initiated the order; practitioner or patient

The price of the formula, not including taxes or shipping

  1. Action Options
    Re-Order – This will add the formula directly to the cart
    Infosheet – View, Download, or Email the infosheet to the Patient or Practitioner

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